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From Goddess Diana

Stay for a while and Listen.

Time is not what it appears,

the hours wane.

Beings of light intercede

Hours dwindle

We have tried not to interfere

but this is a time of reckoning.

This is how it must Be


Take Reckon.


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Channeled Messages

This page is dedicated to the channeled messages received by Noris, LN and Julie from their guides.






From Thoth and Gaia

Now is the new dawn for the people

on the planet and for the planet itself, 

for all are awake. 






Noris received a message from a visitor from the Pleiades star cluster. The following message is in regard to what the planet is going through, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:


The visitor from the Pleiades gave Noris two names: Patron Saint Angelo of Jerusalem and Patron Saint Christopher. Saint Angelo of Jerusalem was a martyr, who in 1625, liberated a city from a plague. He is the protector from pestilence.


Saint Christopher is the protector of travelers — this includes protecting people from other countries and other planets.


The message from the visitor from the Pleiades is that we should use prayer from these two Patron Saints — one is a prayer to do with the plague (Saint Angelo of Jerusalem) and one is a prayer for protection (Saint Christopher).


Noris was also told by the Pleiades visitor that we would see a rise in the number of deceased and a rise in fear over the next few weeks into May.


Using herbs and essential oils are very important at this time.


Please contact Julie at (215) 715-5925 or with any questions.


This message was channeled by Noris from Star people:






Star people are letting us know that the virus will become more active in PA in the next few weeks. They want us to take extra precautions because we live close to NY and Washington DC. They also want us to think about this on a spiritual and energy level. 


The virus has an energy pattern that can be changed. The Star people also spoke about Karma. They said that there is a balance to this situation. While this is bad for humans it is good for the planet. It is a natural occurrence on an organic planet. However, our suffering is not being missed by Star people who have compassion. They will continue to monitor the situation and if they find a cure they will influence our scientists if possible. However, they also must be careful about not changing Karma of individuals. 

This message was channeled by Noris from Star people:






This time we have entered in is unprecedented. 


While it has happened before, 

this time people must choose

how they are to live, work, 

and be citizens of the Earth. 

There is not enough time to dwindle in disharmony.




Above: Goddess Isis




From Goddess Isis

2020 connects us to partnerships the greater one being your relationship with the divine. 


We are given the opportunity to start again with a new decade and a new vibratory pattern that helps us to examine the shadow without stepping out of the light.  In this way we can create space between ourselves and others and this space gives us extra time to ask the Divine for guidance. 


By approaching each relationship in this way, we begin to make decisions that are a balance of understanding of dark and light.  We then manifest a balanced reality, supported by our relationship with the Divine.  





























If you are concerned about hearing clearly the directions from Source, consider meditation groups that increase your awareness. 


Perhaps work with a healer, seer, or lightworker to learn how to tap into your subtle senses.  


Journaling is a good way to ask and receive guidance and look to nature to provide symbols and signals of insight. 


By setting your intention to make this a year of closer ties to Source you will open up opportunities for spiritual growth, for yourself and all your personal relationships.  You will build your trust in your self and your connection to the Divine.  Your faith will comfort you when you need compassion and bolster you when you need courage.  

Your guides and the angelic realm are cheering you on.  May you be blessed in all your relationships.

Above: Goddess Isis



From Goddess Isis
The Goddess Isis says that it is time for the whole world to stop and care for each other. These are lessons for our countries to learn about compassion and doing the right thing.

The Divine Feminine Energy and the new Divine Male Energy are shining out to heal if we only accept and trust.


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